Operator is a game title entirely predicated on a player-driven narrative. The player is a resource officer in the CBI, India's intelligence agency. They are tasked with directing a captured field agent, voiced by USC alumni Akshaya Pattanayak, out of a Chinese military base. At each room, the player must rely on sensory data that the field agent provides them, along with using previously learned information, to safely navigate him out of the facility. Along the way, they gather intelligence on the next major attack the Chinese military is planning. There are currently four unique endings planned. It is somewhat based on my earlier Snatched demo, hence the visual similarities.
Please note that:
-The script is organized by room/outcomes based on player choice
-While all the audio is in Hindi for immersion purposes, the script has English translations and the final game includes English subtitles
-The game only runs on Windows
The demo (which has installation instructions in its download file) can be downloaded here
If the game does not run, please view the media above.
The finalized dialogue can be read here
Please note that:
-The script is organized by room/outcomes based on player choice
-While all the audio is in Hindi for immersion purposes, the script has English translations and the final game includes English subtitles
-The game only runs on Windows
The demo (which has installation instructions in its download file) can be downloaded here
If the game does not run, please view the media above.
The finalized dialogue can be read here